- Inner Light
Lv1 ~ 2
- Passive
Increases your magical attack and the amount of your magical damage that will ignore all of your enemy's defenses.
- M.Atk +(Skill Lv * 2.5)%
M.Pierce +(Skill Lv * 5)%
- Requires: 1 TP Per Lv
- Angel Restoration
Lv6 ~ 7
- Holy Attack Spell
Healing Magic. Recovers targets Max HP.
- Cool Time: 10mins -(Skill Lv * 30)
- Gives the Heavenly Restoration effect for 17sec
- Recovers 2% of HP every tick
- Vortex Magic
Lv1 ~ 2
- Passive
Increases the damage of a variety of spells.
- P.Atk at Target
Artic Blast effect or
Frost Spear effect or
Frozen Snare effect when given, Magic Damage increased by 30%
- Requires: 1 TP Per Lv
- Forces of Nature
Lv5 ~ 7
- Earth Buff Spell
Target range buff magic. Increases M.Acc and Accuracy at a certain amount of time.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Divine Purpose effect for 30min
- Acc/M.Acc (3.6 + (Skill Lv * 1.5))
- Mass Restoration
Lv1 ~ 2
- Passive
Heals all party members and their creatures over time.
- Cool Time 30sec
- Gives the Minor Restoration effect for 31sec
- Recover (126 + (6% of MAtk)) HP every 3sec
- Requires: 1 TP Per Lv
- Refreshing Triumph
- Passive
Killing an enemy within your level range causes you to regenerate mana over time. This effect is also triggered when a party member kills an enemy.
- If the difference between your Level and the target's Level is greater than 15, gain the Refreshing Triumph effect.
- Gives the Refreshing Triumph effect for 10sec
- Recover 40 MP every 2sec
- Requires: Inner Light Lv2
1 TP
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- Artic Blast
- Water Attack Spell
Blasts the target with a chilling bolt of magic. The target suffers damage over time and reduced movement speed. Stacks 3 times.
- Cool Time 6sec
Magic Attack Power ???
- Gives the Artic Blast effect for 10sec
- Deals (2589 + (400% of MAtk)) Water Lasting Damage every 1sec
Mov.Spd -30%
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv2
1 TP
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- Celestial Protection
- Water Buff Spell
Protects nearby party members from all damage that is not caused by damage over time effects.
- Cool Time 10min
Effective Range 15m
- Gives the Celestial Protection effect for 5sec
- 100% chance to reduce damage received by 100%
100% chance to reduce damage received by 100%
100% chance to reduce damage received by 100%
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv2
- Sustained Restoration
Lv1 ~ 3
- Passive
Increases the effect of your Refreshing Triumph skill.
- Requires: Refreshing Triumph Lv1
Lv1: 150 Lv2: 155 Lv3: 160
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- Frigid Breeze
Lv1 ~ 3
- Passive
Reduces the cooltime of your Artic Blast skill.
- Reduce cool time by 1.2sec
- Requires: Artic Blast Lv1
Lv1: 150 Lv2: 155 Lv3: 160
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- Guardian Force
Lv1 ~ 3
- Passive
Reduces the cooltime of your Celestial Protection skill.
- Reduce cooltime by (Skill Lv * 50) sec
- Requires: Celestial Protection Lv1
Lv1: 150 Lv2: 155 Lv3: 160
- Mighty Energy Beat
Lv1 ~ 10
- Magic Attack
Damages the enemy with a high impact blast of energy. Shares cooltime with other energy beat skills.
- Cool Time 0.6 sec
Magic Attack Power (Skill Lv * 72 + (216 + (Skill Lv * 24) % of MAtk))
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
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- Snow Slide
Lv6 ~ 11
- Water Attack Magic
An avalanche of snow seals all enemies in the area.
- Cool Time 4min
Magic Attack Power (Skill Lv * 135 + (190 + (25% of MAtk)))
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
Clear Poison Lv6
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- Seraphic Remedy
Lv1 ~ 10
- Holy Heal Spell
Heals the target and bounces to nearby party members and creatures. This skill can bounce to the same target multiple times.
- Cool Time 6sec
Bounces between multiple allies
Recovers (5 + (Skill Lv * 4)% of MAtk) HP
Bounces (Rounddown (Skill Lv * 0.5) + 2) times
Bounces up to 10m from the target
Can be stacked
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv1
- Shining Buster
Lv11 ~ 20
- Holy Attack Spell
Attack spell which magically damages your opponent with a series of powerful hits.
- Cool Time 3min
Magic Attack Power per Attack ((119 + (Skill Lv * 56)) + (4 + (Skill Lv * 5) % of MAtk))
rounddown (skill lvl * 0,3 + 3)
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
Shining Cross Lv1
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- Frost Spear
Lv11 ~ 20
- Water Attack Magic
Attacks enemies with a spear of ice that causes damage and decreases the target's attack speed.
- Cool Time 45 sec
Magic Attack Power (Skill Lv * 75 + (120 + (Skill Lv * 5)% of MAtk))
- Gives the Frost Spear effect for (Skill Lv * 0.3 +(3)) sec
- Atk Spd -(Skill Lv + 15)%
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
Blessing of Intelligence Lv1
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- Rapid Healing
Lv21 ~ 30
- Holy Healing Spell
A healing spell that has a fast casting speed. The MP consumption rate is higher than that of a regular healing spell.
- Cool Time (5 - (Skill Lv * 0.1)) sec
Recovers (Skill Lv * 140 + (80 + (Skill Lv + 10 % of MAtk))) HP
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv1
Restoration Lv1
- Divine Nova
Lv11 ~ 20
- Holy Attack Spell
A brilliant flash of light explodes around you, damaging and stunning nearby enemies.
- Cool Time 10min
Magic Attack Power (Skill Lv * 68 + (190 + (Skill Lv * 10 + (220)% of MAtk)))
- Gives the Stun effect for (Skill Lv * 0.1 + (1)) sec
- Skills required: Shining Buster LV6
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- Frozen Snare
Lv21 ~ 30
- Water Attack Spell
Holds the target with a frozen snare and causes Water damage over time.
- Cool Time 30sec
- Gives the Frozen Snare effect for (Skill Lv * 0.2 + (2)) sec
- Deals (Skill Lv * 5 + (5% of MAtk)) Water Lasting Damage every 1 sec
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
Frost Spear Lv1
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- Restoration
Lv11 ~ 20
- Holy Healing Spell
Recovers a percentage of the target's HP instantly and also heals additional HP over time.
- Cool Time 1sec
Recovers (Skill Lv * 60) HP
- Gives the Restoration effect for 31sec
- Recover ((14 + (Skill Lv * 28) + (6% of MAtk)) HP every 3sec
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv1
Mass Healing Lv1
- Rainbow Field
Lv1 ~ 10
- Attack Skill
Fills the target area with rainbows, damaging up to 7 enemies.
- Cool Time 5 sec. This skill is affected to item and skill.
Magic Attack Power (Skill Lv * 65 + (7 + (Skill Lv * 20 + (100)% of MAtk)))
Lasts 2 second(s)
Effective Range 4m
Damage reflection rate 100%
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
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- Binding Ward
Lv1 ~ 10
- Passive
You have a chance when struck to immobilize your attacker.
- With a 2% chance to the attacker for 5 sec the Hold effect is applied.
- Gives the Hold effect for 5sec
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
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- Magical Requisition
Lv1 ~ 10
- Magic Attack
Reduces the magical attack of your target while increasing your magical attack.
- Cool Time 40sec
- Gives the Drained Magic effect for 25sec
- M.Atk -(Skill Lv * 40)
- Gives the Acquired Magic effect for 25sec
- M.Atk +(Skill Lv * 40)
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv1
- Blessing of Intelligence
Lv11 ~ 16
- Water Buff Magic
Intelligence and magic attack power are increased for target and nearby allies.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Blessing of Intelligence effect for 30min
- Int. +(Skill Lv * 3)
M.Atk +(Skill Lv * 15)
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
Blessing of Wisdom Lv1
- Shining Armor
Lv11 ~ 20
- Holy Buff Magic
Causes the friendly target and all nearby allies to receive reduced damage from all sources.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Shining Armor effect for 30min
- 100% chance to reduce damage received by ?%.
100% chance to reduce damage received by ?%.
100% chance to reduce damage received by ?%.
? = (3 + (Skill Lv * 0.3) + (Card Lv * 0.2)) Rounded down or ignoring the decimal
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
Shining Weapon Lv1
- Endless Winter
Lv1 ~ 10
- Passive
Killing an enemy within your level range reduces the cooltime of your Snow Slide skill. This effect is also triggered when a party member kills an enemy.
- -(Skill Lv) sec to Snowslide skill's cool time
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
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- Blessing of Wisdom
Lv11 ~ 16
- Water Buff Magic
Wisdom and magic defense power are increased for target and nearby allies.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Blessing of Wisdom effect for 30min
- Wisdom +(Skill Lv * 3)
M.Def +(Skill Lv * 15)
- Requires: Mass Restoration Lv1
Magical Training Mastery Lv1
- Blessing of Strength
Lv11 ~ 16
- Earth Buff Spell
Strength and attack power are increased for target and nearby allies.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Blessing of Strength effect for 30min
- Strength +(Skill Lv * 3)
P.Atk +(Skill Lv * 15)
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
Blessing of Vitality Lv1
- Shining Weapon
Lv11 ~ 20
- Holy Buff Spell
Enchants the weapons of the friendly target and nearby allies to deal additional damage when attacking with basic attacks and skills.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Shining Weapon effect for 30min
- Basic attacks have a 100% chance to deal (Skill Lv * 8) additional damage.
- Gives the Shining Strike effect for 30min
- Damaging skills have a 100% chance to deal (Skill Lv * 16) additional damage.
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
Minor Shining Armor Lv1
- Brisk Reprisal
Lv1 ~ 10
- Passive
You have a chance when struck to increase your intellect and movement speed. Stacks 3 times.
- With a 3% chance on yourself for 15 seconds the Brisk Reprisal effect is applied.
- Gives the Brisk Reprisal effect for 15sec
- Int. +(Skill Lv * 2)
Mov. Spd +(Skill Lv)
- Requires: Vortex Magic Lv1
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- Blessing of Vitality
Lv11 ~ 16
- Earth Buff Spell
Vitality and defense power are increased for target and nearby allies.
- Cool Time 15sec
Effective Range 4m
- Gives the Blessing of Vitality effect for 30min
- Vitality +(Skill Lv * 3)
P.Def +(Skill Lv * 15)
- Requires: Inner Light Lv1
Blessing of Vitality Lv1